Summary of Patrol
This was the ninth patrol of the 2020/2021 year. The patrol took place late January and early February 2021. There were no new incidents and thus we have put a green happy face for this patrol.
Weather seen at time of patrol
The first day of patrol was overcast with flurries. The second was sunny with mild winds, but very cold. It should be noted that Point Clark has been having some beautiful sunny weather. No major winter weather events.
Note, as at the time of writing this post, there is a storm event expected to hit after 6 PM tonight (February 4) with most of the snow coming in the first few hours, with rapidly deteriorating road conditions.
BTW, for those of you who are believers in “marmot prognostication”, on February 2, Willie up in Wiarton didn’t see his shadow and therefore predicts that spring will arrive early this year.
General comments
Based on our recent survey, we have made a few adjustments to the PCBA website — although we use the Weather Network 14 day trend for this posting (mainly because it is one of the nicer graphic designs), we use the Environment Canada weather application on the website and further link through to the full forecast.
It should be noted that for every incident, the patrollers identify the issue as best they can, take pictures, contact the owners, and, if requested, sends photos to the owners. All of the information is kept/saved both by the patroller and by the Association.
No Incidents this patrol.
Upcoming weather forecast for Point Clark (as of February 4), from the Weather Network
Shared photo(s)
These photos were taken by Debbie Harper (#1 sunset January 31 2021, #2 ice flow on the lake February 1 2021), and Sheila Faber (#3 ducks January 31 2021).