Summary of Patrol
This was the fourth patrol of the 2021/2022 year. Note, this patrol also took place the first week of December 2021 and there was 1 incident.
NOTE — Patrol #3 and #4 were done very close together due to weather conditions being seen in Point Clark.
Weather seen at time of patrol
During the patrol dates, very strong winds, overcast, some light rain.
General comments
A lot of tree removal and Natural Gas construction (AECON) noted in the Point Clark area.
It should be noted that for every incident, the patrollers identify the issue as best they can, take pictures, contact the owners, and, if requested, sends photos to the owners. All of the information is kept/saved both by the patroller and by the Association.
One incident.
Incident #7 — Cedar Trail
A tree branch partially broken off and resting on the clothesline. The patroller contacted the owner by email.