Summary of Patrol
This was the fifth patrol of the 2021/2022 year. Note, this patrol took place the middle of December 2021 and there were 2 incidents.
Weather seen at time of patrol
The weather was relatively mild, a bit windy, but generally clear skies.
General comments
Branches and twigs were down across Point Clark. If there was anything noted that could cause structural damage, the owners were notified. Strong wind storm (100 km/h winds) and power outage took place Dec 11th, so the patrol was planned right after this event. Strong winds continued after December 12th, so on the properties that were patrolled on Dec 12th, an additional patrol was completed Dec 16 and Dec 17.
It should be noted that for every incident, the patrollers identify the issue as best they can, take pictures, contact the owners, and, if requested, sends photos to the owners. All of the information is kept/saved both by the patroller and by the Association.
Two incidents.
Incident #8 — Lake Range Drive
A fallen tree was across both sections of the driveway. The patroller spoke in person with the owner.
Incident #9 — Ojibwa Trail
A very large ash tree fell in the windstorm. The township had cleaned up what was blocking the road. No structural damage to house, as it fell away from it. The patroller contacted the owner.