1572 Bruce County Road 1
Kincardine, on N2Z 2X5
Phone: 519-395-3235
The Point Clark Beach Association commends anyone who puts their name forward for public office. Congratulations for this first step.
• Why should we vote for you?
I have had the honour of serving as your Councillor on Huron-Kinloss Township Council since its inception in 1999. Over two decades of service.
I am running for Deputy-Mayor because I have the knowledge and experience to perform the job. I want to continue to support our community by ensuring our township remains debt free, and continues to provide the services we all rely upon, in a financially sustainable manner. I have always maintained that “Council should conduct themselves in a manner to set up the next Council for success, because any other behaviour is simply pushing the burden to a future Council”.
I am a life long resident and want to see Huron-Kinloss remain a place we all want to live, work and enjoy.
I will listen and work cooperatively with citizens, service groups and staff to maintain the high standards of service and solve problems.
Point Clark has very much become an Active Transportation area. Walking and biking are undertaken throughout the community.
• Do you believe the Township should invest in creating and improving active transportation trail systems in Point Clark?
• Would you be in favour of investigating a bridge between the Point Clark and Lurgan Beach communities?
The township is currently working on a master plan, and is actively soliciting public comments for input. I have seen first hand the congestion along the lakeshore with vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists and baby carriages particularly along Lake Range Drive, and fully support the creation of a separate shared lane for such uses. This will be brought forward in upcoming budget deliberations.
Regarding the introduction of a bridge between the Point Clark and Lurgan Beach, I fully understand the desire for such an access. Bridges are one of the largest financial assets we have, and present significant challenges to maintain.
I would be willing to work with any group willing to partner with the township to investigate such a project.
Bylaw enforcement remains top of mind for many on the lakeshore. The method of handling is currently by complaint.
• Due to the nature of bylaw complaints, particularly on weekends, should the Township consider a more proactive approach to bylaw enforcement?
This is an area where our current complaint driven process has been lacking. I’ve always believed that persons have right to enjoy their property, but not at the expense of their neighbour’s enjoyment. I’d be willing to look at any suggestions or recommendations on how we could improve this service.
Taxes from the lakeshore area make up a substantial portion of revenue for the Township of Huron-Kinloss.
• Do you feel services and facilities available to the lakeshore area reflects this reality?
• Do you believe Emergency Services such as fire and paramedics to be adequate for the growing communities along the lakeshore?
The Township does receive the majority of its funding from the lakeshore, and we continue to make major investments along the lakeshore as well. The extension of Lake Range Road into Kincardine, the Lighthouse, Marina, Community center and multiple water, roads, and parks infrastructure improvements plus beach cleaning are a few examples of the Townships commitment to the Lakeshore communities.
Regarding Emergency Services, we currently meet all Provincial requirements for response times for fire and medical, plus we have recruited fire fighters who reside along the lakeshore and have provided them with equipment necessary for lifesaving calls, should the need arise. We enjoy Mutual aid with our neighbouring municipalities north, south and east of us, to further strengthen our ability to respond.
We are currently in process of an Emergency Services review which will help develop a multi year plan, with completion later this year, to ensure our communities are protected.
We will continue to work to provide services needed to keep all Huron-Kinloss residents protected.
Drinking water quality in the Point Clark area has become an issue of some concern to the community. And with the continued rapid expansion of the community, there will be continued pressure on this important system.
• Do you believe there should be an upgrade or change in treatment to the water system for Point Clark to ensure long term safe clean drinking water?
Our water system for Point Clark is safe, and continues to meet all Provincial requirements. We have limited well locations within the system that have high iron and mineral content which has affected the longevity of the system and may result in reconfiguration of supply to these areas.
We continue to work on an master plan for the lakeshore to ensure its continued development is sustainable and the water system remains safe.