Summary of Patrol This was the 13th patrol of the 2021/2022 year. This patrol took place in late March / early April. Weather seen at time of patrol Weather was a bit windy at the end of March, early April some snow showers. Generally milder conditions. General comments This patrol had no incidents. There was…
Category: Winter Property Patrols 2021/2022
Winter Patrol #12
Summary of Patrol This was the 12th patrol of the 2021/2022 year. This patrol took place mid March and there were no incidents. Weather seen at time of patrol Weather was a bit unpredictable during the patrol. Generally milder conditions. General comments This patrol had no incidents. There was one courtesy email sent due to…
Winter Patrol #11
Summary of Patrol This was the 11th patrol of the 2021/2022 year. This patrol took place early in March and there were no incidents. Weather seen at time of patrol Weather was relatively mild during the patrol. Some snow. General comments This patrol had no incidents. There was one courtesy email sent due to a…
Winter Patrol #10
Summary of Patrol This was the tenth patrol of the 2021/2022 year. This patrol took place the week of February 21st and there were no incidents. Weather seen at time of patrol Some very interesting weather seen — raining and mild one day, windy and snow flurries another. The property patrol was timed to go…
Winter Patrol #9
Summary of Patrol This was the ninth patrol of the 2021/2022 year. This patrol took place mid February and there were no incidents. Weather seen at time of patrol The weather at patrol time was generally sunny and very cold, with low wind conditions. General comments This patrol had no incidents — the patrollers also…
Winter Patrol #8
Summary of Patrol This was the eighth patrol of the 2021/2022 year. This patrol took place in early February and there was 1 incident. Weather seen at time of patrol The weather at patrol time was generally sunny and cold. Some winds coming in off the lake.. General comments This patrol saw one incident —…
Winter Patrol #7
Summary of Patrol This was the seventh patrol of the 2021/2022 year. This patrol took place mid to late January and there was 1 incident. Weather seen at time of patrol The weather at patrol time was very cold. Some strong winds, flurries, but definitely cold. General comments Snow squall warnings and other weather warnings…
Winter Patrol #6
Summary of Patrol This was the sixth patrol of the 2021/2022 year. This patrol took place early in January and there was 1 incident. Weather seen at time of patrol The weather at patrol time was a mixed bag — snow squalls, some freezing rain, some sun. General comments Snow squall warnings and other weather…
Winter Patrol #5
Summary of Patrol This was the fifth patrol of the 2021/2022 year. Note, this patrol took place the middle of December 2021 and there were 2 incidents. Weather seen at time of patrol The weather was relatively mild, a bit windy, but generally clear skies. General comments Branches and twigs were down across Point Clark….
Winter Patrol #4
Summary of Patrol This was the fourth patrol of the 2021/2022 year. Note, this patrol also took place the first week of December 2021 and there was 1 incident. NOTE — Patrol #3 and #4 were done very close together due to weather conditions being seen in Point Clark. Weather seen at time of patrol…