Summary of Patrol This was the third patrol of the 2021/2022 year. The patrol took place the first week of December 2021 and there were 3 incidents. Weather seen at time of patrol During the patrol dates, the weather was blustery with intermittent snow. General comments Approximately 30 trees had fallen across Point Clark due…
Category: Winter Property Patrols 2021/2022
Winter Patrol #2
Summary of Patrol This was the second patrol of the 2021/2022 year. The patrol took place in mid November 2021 and occurred after some major weather events in Point Clark. There were incidents. Weather seen at time of patrol During the patrol dates, the weather was snowing and overcast one day, sunny with moderate winds…
Winter Patrol #1
Summary of Patrol This was the first patrol of the 2021/2022 year. The patrol took place in early November 2021. There were no incidents. Weather seen at time of patrol The weather was mild, sunny, and very pleasant. No significant winds were observed. General comments The first patrol was an opportunity to observe all the…