Winter Patrol — information for the 2024/2025 season
The PCBA offers to all its members a Winter Property Patrol
Approximately every 10 days from November 1st to April 1st, the Point Clark Beach Association Winter Property Patrol is undertaken. If there is a major weather event that could potentially cause property damage (high winds, heavy snow, etc.), the timing of the patrol is adjusted and undertaken as soon as safely possible after the weather event. (See below for the patrol history for 2019/2020 and 2020/2021)
The patrol includes a visual inspection of the front and back of the property for:
- Trees fallen
- Damage to house
- Excess snow
- Doors are closed
- Evidence of a break-in from the outside of the house
If an incident is discovered, the patroller will ensure it is documented (report, photo), and the homeowner (or alternate contact, as requested) is contacted as soon as possible.
In addition:
- A report of the incident will be sent to the Board of the PCBA.
- Every patrol will be logged and a written report will be available for the AGM.
- A regular update will be made on the website regarding the patrol.
- The patroller will wear a high visibility vest to be identified as the PCBA property patroller.
- The patrol will be undertaken in zones (see maps below).
Additional notes regarding inspections
Some properties will be visually inspected from different vantage points (e.g. from the beach and road), depending on the access of the property. The accessibility of the property (e.g. excess snow) will be at the discretion of the patroller.
If someone is in the home, we will not approach the house. It is assumed the property does not need a patrol, if someone is present in the home. We want to respect people’s privacy.
If a gate is closed, we will not open the gate (unless otherwise requested) – but will still visually inspect the property from other vantage points as best as possible.
Special Requests OR specific concerns about your individual property
If you are interested in how your specific property is being patrolled OR if there are specific reasonable requests for inspection beyond that outlined above, please contact the patroller:
There are approximately 200 homes that are patrolled, with the actual patrol being done in 9 zones.
Patrol history
Summary of Winter Property Patrols 2023/2024 season
Summary of Winter Property Patrols 2022/2023 season
Summary of Winter Property Patrols 2021/2022 season
Summary of Winter Property Patrols 2020/2021 season
Summary of Winter Property Patrols 2019/2020 season
If you have any questions about the PCBA, you can click here to go our convenient “Contact us” page.