Welcome to the Point Clark Beach Association (PCBA) website.
Photo by: PCBA Patroller — January 2025
In 1946, a small group of individuals gathered to discuss how they could unite local cottagers to promote the betterment of Point Clark. These founding members included Alfred George Murton, Robert Oliver, and Emma Hulen. From this meeting, the Point Clark Beach Association (PCBA) was born.
The founding 1946 Charter identified the purpose of this new organization was:
“To promote and develop social welfare, civic improvement, recreation and other nonprofitable purposes in the public interest and to establish, construct, acquire, manage and operate such facilities as may be required for any such purposes.”
These were lofty goals indeed and we owe a huge debt of gratitude to the vision and work of our founding members.
Fast forward to 2021, 75 years after PCBA’s inception, Point Clark has grown into a residential and cottage community. As part of the Township of Huron-Kinloss, the area’s population has increased 9% since 2016 with 7723 residents identified in Statistics Canada, 2021 Census of Population.
As a result, the PCBA Directors gathered once again to envision the future of this growing association and determine how it could best advocate on behalf of the citizens of Point Clark and the future of this beautiful, lakeside community.
“The PCBA shall serve as a common voice for property owners and act as a liaison with other beach associations, community groups, and governmental units. It shall also promote the quality and enjoyment of life in the Point Clark area. It shall act as a source of information.“
Top 10 Reasons To Join the Point Clark Beach Association
The Point Clark Beach Association is a Volunteer Community Association that provides resident and cottage members:
An opportunity to support the community, local businesses and organizations to make the Point Clark area a better place to live, visit, work and cottage.
A PCBA Website, Facebook Page, email notifications and published Beach Directory to highlight Huron Kinloss updates, community business and services, local news, resources, weather, and events in Point Clark and surrounding area.
Community events for both entertainment and the betterment of our community, such as:
Garden and Community Beautification Events
Socials, Community Youth Day
Community and Beach Clean Ups
Shoreline Restoration Work (removal of invasive species, beach grass planting)
Pipe Band Summer Concerts
Community Theatre
A Winter Patrol to ensure your home or cottage is safe and secure while you are away during the winter months.
Access to information sessions on topics of importance to Point Clark residents and cottagers.
A liaison with Huron Kinloss Council and other levels of Government, Community Groups and local NGOs.
A membership in FOCA (Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations).
A liaison with other beach associations & community groups to facilitate support and/or education on major issues concerning Huron Kinloss and/or partnerships in events.
An opportunity to support local charities (monetary or volunteer) for the betterment of the Point Clark Community.
An opportunity to engage local youth in community betterment.

Association mailing address:
Point Clark Beach Association
PO Box 277 Station Main
Kincardine, Ontario
N2Z 2Y7