Summary of Patrol
This was the eleventh patrol of the 2020/2021 year. The patrol took place during the middle of February 2021 after that latest series of snowfalls. There were no new incidents and thus we have put a green happy face for this patrol.
Weather seen at time of patrol
The weather was pretty consistent during the patrol time — some heavy snow, little to no winds, sunny periods. It made Point Clark quite pretty.
The following are photos taken by the Patrol team:
General comments
Since the last patrol, a significant amount of snow has fallen. In general, the snow is light and not heavy but there is a lot. Patroller will continue to monitor excessive snow on roofs. Many residents have chosen to shovel the snow off their roof.
Some properties were very difficult to access due to windrows and patroller used discretion to view some properties at various vantage points (e.g. from the beach, from the road and from neighbouring properties).
It should be noted that for every incident, the patrollers identify the issue as best they can, take pictures, contact the owners, and, if requested, sends photos to the owners. All of the information is kept/saved both by the patroller and by the Association.
No Incidents this patrol.
Upcoming weather forecast for Point Clark (as of February 22), from the Weather Network
Photos from the Point
The first photo was taken by Sheila Faber February 20, 2021 and put on Facebook, and the second was taken by Debbie Harper February 20, 2021 and put on Facebook: