Summary of Patrol
This was the fourteenth patrol of the 2020/2021 year. The patrol took place in mid March 2021. There was one incident, so we have to put a yellow face for this patrol.
Weather seen at time of patrol
The weather continues to improve. However, there were some high winds early in the patrol week.
General comments
Due to some winds earlier this week, several spruce tree tops have broken off across Point Clark. No tree tops were found near the structures of any of the patrolled properties. Township Ash tree removal has continued across Point Clark.
It should be noted that for every incident, the patrollers identify the issue as best they can, take pictures, contact the owners, and, if requested, sends photos to the owners. All of the information is kept/saved both by the patroller and by the Association.
One Incident.
Incident #15
A property on Victoria Road was flooded, but there was no underground foundation, so no apparent structural damage. Patroller called the homeowner, they apparently were present earlier in the day. Township notified about a blocked storm drain.
Upcoming weather forecast for Point Clark (as of March 24), from the Weather Network